If you are looking for cheap auto insurance: 5 simple ways to save

If you are looking for cheap auto insurance: 5 simple ways to save

 cheap auto insurance is not as difficult as you think. Check out these 5 ways to save money and start saving every month.

confront auto insurance quotes?

auto insurance and accidents
A traffic accident occurs approximately every 5 seconds in the United States. Buy car insurance online and make sure you are protected.
Insure your car and / home with the same insurer
Consider a multi-line insurance where you buy both your auto and homeowners or renters insurance from the same carrier. You can save up to 15 percent in both awards. *

Take advantage of discounts, the
Most insurance companies offer discounted rates. Some examples include:
Safe driver
Loyal Customer
Vehicle insurance
Secure vehicle
Low annual mileage
Everything depends on you to make sure you are getting all the discounts you are eligible, so be sure to ask your insurance company or agent.

Raise your deductible

The higher the deductible is, the cheaper the car insurance rates will be. Increasing your deductible from $ 250 to $ 1,000 you could save up to 40 percent on collision and comprehensive portion of your policy. * The cost of an accident will be much more expensive, but the savings rate could well worth it.

Pay your policy in one lump sum more fees "convenience" is often applied to payments when you split the premium in installments (eg, monthly, quarterly, etc.) A monthly fee of up to $ 7 can add up to nearly $ 100 a year!

Find and compare prices

Your circumstances change all the time, and so is the way auto insurers you. If you can compare prices from time to time, you never know if you can find cheap auto insurance. Drivers who compare rates and companies change in InsWeb.com save an average of $ 301 ** on a six-month policy.
Put these tips to save money to good use and find a cheap auto insurance today.

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